Vous pouvez mettre en œuvre une fusion de courrier en utilisant AppleScript. Gianugo Rabellino a partagé son premier AppleScript pour la création de tels messages en Fusion de courrier du pauvre dans Apple Mail .
Les commentaires sur le post de Rabellino suggèrent des améliorations et d'autres approches.
tell application "Mail" to set allAccounts to name of every account
choose from list allAccounts with title "Choose the Mail account to use..."
set theAccount to result as string
set subjectDialog to display dialog ¬
"Enter the subject of the email to send" default answer "no subject"
set theSubject to text returned of subjectDialog
set sendOrPreview to the button returned of ¬
(display dialog ¬
"Send the messages right away or preview and send manually?" with title ¬
"Send or Preview?" with icon caution ¬
buttons {"Preview", "Send"} ¬
default button 1)
set theText to (choose file with prompt "Pick a text file containing the email text")
set theContent to read theText
tell application "Finder"
set addresses to paragraphs of ¬
(read (choose file with prompt "Pick a text file containing email addresses, one by line"))
end tell
tell application "Mail"
set activeAccount to account theAccount
repeat with i from 1 to (the length of addresses)
set newMessage to make new outgoing message ¬
with properties {account:activeAccount, subject:theSubject, content:theContent}
tell newMessage
set sender to ¬
((full name of activeAccount & " < " & email addresses of activeAccount as string) & ">")
make new to recipient at end of to recipients ¬
with properties {address:(a reference to item i of addresses)}
set visible to true
end tell
if sendOrPreview is equal to "Send" then
send newMessage
end if
end repeat
end tell