8 votes

MacBook Pro a des problèmes de sommeil


Mon MacBook Pro semble avoir du mal à s'endormir lorsqu'il est fermé. Je l'ai remarqué car il fait chaud le matin, alors que la batterie est presque vide. Cela ne se produit pas tout le temps et, malheureusement, je ne sais pas comment reproduire ce comportement de façon délibérée.

Parfois, j'utilise Caffeine, une application qui fait en sorte que le Mac ne se mette pas en veille. Je l'utilisais avec mon vieux MacBook 12' et il fonctionnait bien avec Caffeine activé (il dormait bien). Mais avec celui-ci, je ne peux pas le laisser dans mon sac à dos en veille (supposée) car j'ai peur de l'endommager par une chaleur excessive. Cependant, cette application ne semble pas avoir de rapport avec le problème, puisque celui-ci s'est produit sans l'application également.


Qu'est-ce qui réveille mon Mac et comment puis-je être sûr qu'il va dormir toute la nuit ?

Informations complémentaires

MacBook Pro (13 pouces, 2018, quatre ports Thunderbolt 3), Mojave 10.14.4, 2,3 GHz Intel Core i5, 16 Go 2133 MHz LPDDR3

J'ai fait quelques recherches, j'ai essayé d'enquêter par moi-même, mais je ne sais pas quoi faire avec cette sortie :

$ log show --style syslog # excerpt - the first line is repeated many times during the night
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630795+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630796+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630797+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic com.apple.Notes because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630798+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic com.apple.Notes because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630799+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630799+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630800+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630801+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.630965+0200  localhost apsd[74]: (Security) Created Activity ID: 0xe3c85, Description: SecItemCopyMatching
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631108+0200  localhost apsd[74]: (Security) Created Activity ID: 0xe3c86, Description: SecItemCopyMatching
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631112+0200  localhost apsd[74]: (Security) Created Activity ID: 0xe3c87, Parent ID: 0x80000000000e3c86, Description: SecItemCopyMatching_ios
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631166+0200  localhost apsd[74]: (Security) [com.apple.securityd:SecCritical] Failed to talk to secd after 4 attempts.
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631190+0200  localhost apsd[74]: (Security) Created Activity ID: 0xe3c88, Description: SecItemCopyMatching
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631292+0200  localhost apsd[74]: Looking up connection on peer: 5ab15c70   found <private>
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631495+0200  localhost apsd[74]: successful entitlement check 'com.apple.private.push-to-wake' for 263
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631508+0200  localhost apsd[74]: [com.apple.apsd:connectionServer] <private>: connection set push wake topics from <private> to <private>
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631586+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Filter will potentially be changed by <private>
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631595+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631596+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631598+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631599+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631600+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631601+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631603+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic com.apple.private.ids because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631604+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic com.apple.private.ids because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631606+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631606+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake
2019-05-21 00:18:57.631608+0200  localhost apsd[74]: <private>: Not choosing red list for topic <private> because dark wake enabled and in full into dark wake

$ pmset -g assertions
Assertion status system-wide:
   BackgroundTask                 0
   ApplePushServiceTask           0
   UserIsActive                   1
   PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep    0
   PreventSystemSleep             0
   ExternalMedia                  0
   PreventUserIdleSystemSleep     1
   NetworkClientActive            0
Listed by owning process:
   pid 286(sharingd): [0x000142480001a7f2] 00:00:38 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Handoff"
   pid 97(hidd): [0x000135310009a2c8] 00:00:00 UserIsActive named: "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4295051175.3"
    Timeout will fire in 600 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
Kernel Assertions: 0x104=USB,MAGICWAKE
   id=508  level=255 0x100=MAGICWAKE mod=21/05/2019, 15:48 description=en0 owner=en0
   id=1165  level=255 0x4=USB mod=01/01/1970, 01:00 description=com.apple.usb.externaldevice.01100000 owner=USB3.0 Hub
   id=1167  level=255 0x4=USB mod=01/01/1970, 01:00 description=com.apple.usb.externaldevice.14200000 owner=USB2.0 Hub
Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler

$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
 standbydelaylow      10800
 standby              1
 womp                 1
 halfdim              1
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 proximitywake        1
 powernap             1
 gpuswitch            2
 networkoversleep     0
 disksleep            10
 standbydelayhigh     86400
 sleep                1
 hibernatemode        3
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         10
 tcpkeepalive         1
 highstandbythreshold 50
 acwake               0
 lidwake              1

Mise à jour

Le problème s'est reproduit, voici donc de nouveaux journaux.

pmset -g assertions                                                                              SIG(127)   676  08:22:09
2019-05-31 08:22:11 +0200
Assertion status system-wide:
   BackgroundTask                 0
   ApplePushServiceTask           0
   UserIsActive                   1
   PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep    0
   PreventSystemSleep             0
   ExternalMedia                  0
   PreventUserIdleSystemSleep     1
   NetworkClientActive            0
Listed by owning process:
   pid 339(sharingd): [0x0000f2370001927c] 00:04:15 PreventUserIdleystemSleep named: "Handoff"
   pid 97(hidd): [0x0000f1db00099242] 00:00:00 UserIsActive named: "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4295045456.3"
    Timeout will fire in 120 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
No kernel assertions.
Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler

pmset -g                                                                                                    677  08:22:11
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
 standbydelaylow      10800
 standby              1
 halfdim              1
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 proximitywake        0
 gpuswitch            2
 powernap             0
 disksleep            10
 standbydelayhigh     86400
 sleep                1 (sleep prevented by sharingd, useractivityd)
 hibernatemode        3
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         2
 tcpkeepalive         1
 highstandbythreshold 50
 acwake               0
 lidwake              1

log show --style syslog --start '2019-05-31 00:00:00' | wc -l

log show --style syslog --start '2019-05-31 00:00:00' --end '2019-05-31 07:00:00' | grep 'PMRD'
2019-05-31 01:33:46.043541+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:34:16.800941+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:34:31.060901+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:35:01.751271+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:35:16.009550+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:35:46.809967+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:36:01.203380+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:36:31.761539+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:36:46.031087+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:37:16.723436+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:37:32.456445+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Sleep
2019-05-31 01:38:02.800643+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System Wake
2019-05-31 01:38:58.519978+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:39:24.167452+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:40:01.799306+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:40:18.142921+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:40:55.616962+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:41:11.129164+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:41:48.567301+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:42:04.611552+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:42:40.632701+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:42:56.262092+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:43:33.703435+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:43:49.242617+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep
2019-05-31 01:44:26.598513+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep Wake
2019-05-31 01:44:42.316342+0200  localhost kernel[0]: PMRD: System SafeSleep

log show --style syslog --start '2019-05-31 01:38:02' --end '2019-05-31 01:38:03' # excerpt - maybe this?
2019-05-31 01:38:02.900304+0200  localhost callservicesd[278]: [com.apple.calls.callservicesd:Default] Updating nearby device routes using devices: <private>
2019-05-31 01:38:02.900347+0200  localhost callservicesd[278]: [com.apple.calls.callservicesd:Default] Not adding any nearby devices because currentCallsSupportNearbyDevices=<private>, supportsPrimaryCalling=<private>, and hasRelayiCloudAccount=<private>
2019-05-31 01:38:02.900433+0200  localhost airportd[180]: ERROR: sharingd (339) is not entitled for com.apple.wifi.join_history, will not allow request
2019-05-31 01:38:02.900949+0200  localhost sharingd[339]: (CoreUtils) [com.apple.CoreUtils:CUWiFiManager] SysMon: WiFi state changed: Connected -> Connected, 0x1 < Unsecured > "Warto byo szale tak? 5g"
2019-05-31 01:38:02.900952+0200  localhost sharingd[339]: (CoreUtils) [com.apple.CoreUtils:CUSystemMonitor] WiFi state changed: Connected -> Connected, 0x1 < Unsecured >
2019-05-31 01:38:02.905415+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleOnboardSerial) programUART() will skip programRTS()
2019-05-31 01:38:02.934141+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleOnboardSerial) programUART() will skip programRTS()
2019-05-31 01:38:02.934934+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.527762 wlan0.A[5294] powerOn@201:SMC key MSSP=05
2019-05-31 01:38:02.942451+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.535275 wlan0.A[5295] handleDataPacket@9908: Wake up packet received: Data
2019-05-31 01:38:02.942534+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.535362 wlan0.A[5297] Wake Packet Analysis: TCP/IP Packet from 17:252:76:29 with ports 443 --> 62667
2019-05-31 01:38:02.949716+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.542542 wlan0.A[5299] powerOn@22517: Tearing down WoW mode
2019-05-31 01:38:02.952471+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.545297 wlan0.A[5300] handleTCPKeepAliveStatusAsyncCallBack@927:TKO Socket Id 0, Status: Ack Number invalid
2019-05-31 01:38:02.953288+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.546114 wlan0.A[5301] setTCPAliveOffloadEnable@539:TCP Keep Alive Offload: Disabled
2019-05-31 01:38:02.954166+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.546991 wlan0.A[5302] unConfigureKeepAlives@808:UnConfigured Keep Alive ID = 1
2019-05-31 01:38:02.954994+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.547820 wlan0.A[5303] unConfigureKeepAlives@808:UnConfigured Keep Alive ID = 2
2019-05-31 01:38:02.955006+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (corecapture) 054632.547836 wlan0.A[5304] configureEnterpriseAssociatedSleepExit@1193:WNM is Not Supported
2019-05-31 01:38:02.960891+0200  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleOnboardSerial) programUART() will skip programRTS()
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967791+0200  localhost coreaudiod[137]: (BluetoothAudioPlugIn) [com.apple.bluetooth:bluetoothaudiod] hostController general interest notification e0020002
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967829+0200  localhost UserEventAgent[246]: (BluetoothUserAgent-Plugin) [com.apple.bluetooth:User Agent] [BTUserEventAgentController hostControllerPoweredOn] on = 0 off = 100657
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967831+0200  localhost UserEventAgent[246]: (BluetoothUserAgent-Plugin) [com.apple.bluetooth:User Agent] [BTUserEventAgentController messageTracerEventDriven] hostControllerPoweredOn
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967832+0200  localhost bluetoothd[96]: (IOBluetooth) [com.apple.bluetooth:bluetoothd] INIT -- Host Controller 0x7fe094908050 is powered ON
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967832+0200  localhost UserEventAgent[246]: (BluetoothUserAgent-Plugin) [com.apple.bluetooth:User Agent] [BTUserEventAgentController messageTracerEventDriven]
2019-05-31 01:38:02.967893+0200  localhost bluetoothd[96]: (IOBluetooth) [com.apple.bluetooth:bluetoothd] INIT -- Ignoring poweredOn since we have already setup everything

sudo      log show --style syslog --start '2019-05-31 01:37:00' --end '2019-05-31 01:39:00' | grep 'apsd'


0 votes

Je pense que ces trois lignes sont un indice du problème : powerOn@201:SMC key MSSP=05 -- handleDataPacket@9908: Wake up packet received: Data -- Wake Packet Analysis: TCP/IP Packet from 17:252:76:29 with ports 443 --> 62667

0 votes

Pour compléter mon commentaire, les lignes du fichier journal indiquent que votre MPB est réveillé de son sommeil par un paquet de réveil provenant d'un périphérique avec l'IP port 443 - SSL. Avez-vous un VPN en cours d'exécution sur votre machine, ou vous connectez-vous à un VPN ?

0 votes

@IconDaemon Non, c'est bien Apple (tout le bloc d'IP 17/8 est à eux). Ils utilisent des connexions HTTPS liées à des ports aléatoires pour pratiquement tout maintenant.


Kaan Points 223

Si vous avez ça :

PreventUserIdleSystemSleep nommé : "Handoff"

Désactiver le Bluetooth lorsque vous ne l'utilisez pas (si vous ne l'utilisez pas activement) est une solution.

On s'attendrait à de l'excellence de la part d'une entreprise de 2 trillions de dollars, mais leurs produits/os sont plutôt médiocres quand on gratte la surface :(

0 votes

On dirait que désactivation du Handoff serait une option moins agressive que la désactivation de tout Bluetooth.


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