2 votes

Pourquoi "if exists" échoue-t-il avec un faux positif ?

Le fichier, "Test.file" dans le code ci-dessous n'existe pas, pourtant le script renvoie vrai. Pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce que je fais de mal ?

set thePath to (path to application support folder from user domain)

if exists thePath & "Test.file" then
display dialog "The file was found!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
display dialog "The was file wasn't found." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if


adayzdone Points 1798

Vous devez référencer un fichier pour que le test fonctionne correctement.

set thePath to path to application support folder from user domain
tell application "System Events" to exists file ((thePath as text) & "Test.file")

Avec le conditionnel :

set thePath to path to application support folder from user domain
tell application "System Events" to exists file ((thePath as text) & "Test.file")
if the result then
    display dialog "The file was found!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    display dialog "The was file wasn't found." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if


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