10 votes

MacBook Pro se réveille continuellement alors qu'il est en mode veille

J'ai un MacBook Pro 15" (mi-2015) OS X 10.11.1, et j'ai remarqué que mon MacBook perd 20% d'énergie lorsqu'il est en mode veille pendant 12 heures.

Voici une petite partie de mon fichier journal lorsque mon MacBook Pro était en mode "veille" :

28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442659: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Original Seq: 2389288299, Ack: 2044772261, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442696: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Updated seq/ack/win from UserClient Seq 2389288299, Ack 2044772261, Win size 176
28/11/15 12:09:54,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.442740: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will stay on.
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.469349: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[enable]
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41841.470191: AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[enabled]
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa41ebb6c1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:09:55,522 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:09:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - intel_rp = 1 dlla_reporting_supported = 0
28/11/15 12:09:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.166036: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
28/11/15 12:14:22,440 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000820 0x5ac 0x8406 0x820, 3
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436625: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436645: IOPMPowerSource Information: onWake,  SleepType: Normal Sleep,  'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 1177, 
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436669: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41843.436710: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[disable]
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
28/11/15 12:14:22,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa41ebaee1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:14:22,717 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
28/11/15 12:14:22,967 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=0)
28/11/15 12:14:22,969 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:22,969 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:22,970 symptomsd[208]: __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
28/11/15 12:14:22,970 netbiosd[27521]: network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
28/11/15 12:14:23,155 configd[51]: network changed: v6(en0-:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS- Proxy-
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
28/11/15 12:14:23,233 networkd[157]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
28/11/15 12:14:23,235 networkd[157]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 00:22:b0:85:97:5e
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:14:23,282 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: Unexpected payload found for message 9, dataLen 0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
28/11/15 12:14:23,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:14:23,988 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000030.BetterTouchTool[30954]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:24,211 lsd[260]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
28/11/15 12:14:24,296 BetterTouchTool[30978]: leap support enabled
28/11/15 12:14:24,310 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.hegenberg.BTTRelaunch.84192[30955]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:24,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
28/11/15 12:14:24,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
28/11/15 12:14:24,411 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1748] en0: SSID 'kevin' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
28/11/15 12:14:24,411 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 configd[51]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: en0: Not probing 'kevin' (cache indicates not captive)
28/11/15 12:14:24,412 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
28/11/15 12:14:24,416 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
28/11/15 12:14:25,005 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=2)
28/11/15 12:14:25,006 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:25,008 symptomsd[208]: __73-[NetworkAnalyticsEngine observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]_block_invoke unexpected switch value 2
28/11/15 12:14:25,036 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:26,396 ntpd[30540]: wake time set +1.146968 s
28/11/15 12:14:26,991 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:27,096 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:27,281 mDNSResponder[89]: mDNS_Execute: SendResponses didn't send all its responses; will try again in one second
28/11/15 12:14:28,045 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0+:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS* Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:28,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
28/11/15 12:14:28,687 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:14:28,715 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:28,715 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:14:28,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
28/11/15 12:14:30,997 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000031.BetterTouchTool[30978]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:31,217 lsd[260]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
28/11/15 12:14:31,302 BetterTouchTool[30984]: leap support enabled
28/11/15 12:14:31,315 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.hegenberg.BTTRelaunch.84192[30979]) Service exited due to signal: Terminated: 15
28/11/15 12:14:34,005 com.apple.CDScheduler[246]: Thermal pressure state: 1 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:34,007 com.apple.CDScheduler[42]: Thermal pressure state: 1 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:44,244 com.apple.CDScheduler[246]: Thermal pressure state: 0 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:44,244 com.apple.CDScheduler[42]: Thermal pressure state: 0 Memory pressure state: 0
28/11/15 12:14:48,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
28/11/15 12:14:48,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
28/11/15 12:14:52,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
28/11/15 12:14:52,000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524961: wl0: setup_keepalive: interval 900, retry_interval 30, retry_count 10
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524972: wl0: setup_keepalive: Local IP:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524976: wl0: setup_keepalive: Remote IP:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524980: wl0: setup_keepalive: Local port: 53437, Remote port: 5223
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.524985: wl0: setup_keepalive: Seq: 3416633147, Ack: 3719134279, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525001: wl0: MDNS: IPV4 Addr:
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525006: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: fe80:0:0:0:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525011: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: 2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525016: wl0: MDNS: IPV6 Addr: 2a02:1810:340b:9d00:78e1:6da:2544:6637
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525019: wl0: MDNS: 0 SRV Recs, 0 TXT Recs
28/11/15 12:14:53,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41873.525023: wl0: MDNS: 1 TCP ports:  64538 
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: PM response took 2006 ms (52, powerd)
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.523840: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep 
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.523868: IOPMPowerSource Information: onSleep,  SleepType: Normal Sleep,  'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 1177, 
28/11/15 12:14:55,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 00:22:b0:85:97:5e
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 4 us
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988466: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Original Seq: 3416633147, Ack: 3719134279, Win size: 4096
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988503: wl0: wl_update_tcpkeep_seq: Updated seq/ack/win from UserClient Seq 3416633147, Ack 3719134279, Win size 166
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41875.988545: wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will stay on.
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41876.014940: AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[enable]
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41876.015800: AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[enabled]
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa235552d1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:14:56,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:14:56,875 symptomsd[208]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - intel_rp = 1 dlla_reporting_supported = 0
28/11/15 12:14:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 2
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 149 153 157 161
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 41877.747390: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
28/11/15 12:16:38,428 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en0:2a02:1810:340b:9d00:aebc:32ff:fea0:6293) DNS! Proxy SMB
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000820 0x5ac 0x8406 0x820, 3
28/11/15 12:16:38,000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0xb1c284aa23554af1 has no prefix
28/11/15 12:16:38,648 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
28/11/15 12:16:39,054 cdpd[422]: Saw change in network reachability (isReachable=0)
28/11/15 12:16:39,055 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack
28/11/15 12:16:39,056 Google Drive[368]: mod_SCNetworkReachabilityCallBack

Comme vous pouvez le constater, certaines parties se répètent (par exemple, l'aéroport).

Quand j'ai remarqué le problème pour la première fois, et que j'ai lancé la commande suivante :

syslog | grep -i "Wake reason"

Il a donné ce résultat :

Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17412.146502: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17412.385579: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:08:12 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:15:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:15:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17446.620656: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Deauthentication beacuse sending STA is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS
Nov 27 03:15:34 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17447.435151: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:15:34 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17481.602419: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17481.869208: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:20:18 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:22:50 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:22:50 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17515.977131: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:22:51 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17516.843416: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:22:51 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17550.959664: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17551.199358: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:27:53 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:30:41 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:30:41 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17584.863751: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:30:42 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17585.721650: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:30:42 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:36:32 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?
Nov 27 03:36:32 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17619.944847: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload; Disconnect reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA
Nov 27 03:36:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: ARPT: 17620.820368: ARPT: Wake Reason: Wake on Scan offload
Nov 27 03:36:33 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 27 03:44:22 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: ?

La nuit dernière, j'ai désactivé le wifi sur mon Mac avant de le mettre en mode veille. Cela a résolu le problème de la décharge rapide de la batterie (seulement 2% pendant 10h de mode veille).

Le fichier journal était encore assez désordonné, avec beaucoup d'activité. Mais la commande ( syslog |grep -i "Wake reason" ) a donné ceci :

Nov 28 03:51:06 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: EC.SleepTimer (SleepTimer)
Nov 28 03:51:07 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 05:51:29 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 07:52:39 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 09:52:46 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
Nov 28 10:57:19 Kevins-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Notice>: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)

Un RTC (alarme) toutes les 2 heures.

Veuillez noter que je n'ai pas de programme de réveil, que le réveil par le réseau n'est pas coché, et que powernap n'est pas non plus coché. J'ai également désactivé tout service de partage.

Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? Je veux utiliser le mode veille sans désactiver le wifi et sans perdre 20% de batterie pendant la nuit

UPDATE : Il semble qu'Apple ait corrigé le problème de décharge de la batterie (en mode veille) dans MacOS Sierra (10.12). Mais la mise à jour de MacOS Sierra n'a pas résolu le problème pour moi. Elle a juste introduit un nouveau problème dans ma solution (postée ci-dessous). Maintenant avec Sierra, le programme SleepWatcher n'exécute pas toujours les scripts de réveilscripts au réveil, ce qui entraîne un retard dans l'activation du Wi-Fi (parfois jusqu'à 45 secondes après le réveil).


Mike H Points 1

J'avais ce problème sur 10.12 Sierra. La solution de l'observateur de sommeil était une bonne solution de contournement.

Apparemment corrigé par la mise à jour Sierra 10.12.1 d'hier.


neildo Points 111

Voici une solution moins invasive qui a fonctionné pour moi : activez la fonction Ne pas déranger pendant que le MacBook dort.

  1. Ouvrez Préférences Système -> Notifications
  2. Dans la section Ne pas déranger, ajoutez une coche à côté de "Lorsque l'écran est en veille".


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