J'ai essayé la méthode de cette page mais je n'arrive pas à récupérer l'espace libre.
Sortie de la liste diskutil :
diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0
1: EFI EFI 314.6 MB disk0s1
(free space) 799.0 GB -
2: Apple_APFS Container disk1 201.2 GB disk0s3
/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
0: APFS Container Scheme - +201.2 GB disk1
Physical Store disk0s3
1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD - Data 104.3 GB disk1s1
2: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 15.2 GB disk1s2
3: APFS Snapshot com.apple.os.update-... 15.2 GB disk1s2s1
4: APFS Volume Preboot 1.2 GB disk1s3
5: APFS Volume Recovery 1.1 GB disk1s4
6: APFS Volume VM 20.5 KB disk1s5
Et puis j'ai fatigué le code diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk1 0
diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk1 0
Started APFS operation
Error: -69519: The target disk is too small for this operation, or a gap is required in your partition map which is missing or too small, which is often caused by an attempt to grow a partition beyond the beginning of another partition or beyond the end of partition map usable space
zhuhaoran@zhuhaorandeMacBook-Pro ~ % diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk2 0
Could not find disk for disk2
zhuhaoran@zhuhaorandeMacBook-Pro ~ % diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk1 0
Started APFS operation
Error: -69519: The target disk is too small for this operation, or a gap is required in your partition map which is missing or too small, which is often caused by an attempt to grow a partition beyond the beginning of another partition or beyond the end of partition map usable space
zhuhaoran@zhuhaorandeMacBook-Pro ~ % diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk0s2 0
Could not find disk for disk0s2
Il y a maintenant 799 Go d'espace libre dans mon Macbook et je ne peux pas l'utiliser.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?